Thursday, March 5, 2009


Dukacita dimaklumkan suami kepada Kak Fauziah, Komposer Zubir Ali telah kembali ke rahmatullah pada pagi ini. Jenazah akan disemadikan selepas solat Jumaat pada petang ini.

Berita lanjut di mstar.

#Tak sure ok ke tak letak kat sini. Ayah (angklong) called kak awa inform tadi.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

20 Random Things About Pak Long's Family..

here we go!

1. Pak Long is also known as Cik Nggu for his talent in meng’ganggu’

2. Cik Yeye is the most handsome cause ‘muka dia macam muka Pak Long hang masa muda’

3. Yeye has a very smelly, bacterial infested bantal busuk, which Pak Long hang would jemur senyap2...

4. Abg Azrul can rap/ break dance…. alaaa that lari2 on the spot tu lah..use your imagination haha!

5. While Yeye has his bantal busuk, Nirah has a ‘gentel’ busuk..

6. We all misses Mak Long’s nasik lemak

7. I thought Kak Awa’s nama manja was Hawa for a long time… it is Awa actually!

8. Lin’s other name is Tina ….jgn terperanjat!

9. Anis & Aleeya have their own blogs..klik & klik ..fuh budak2 sekarang!

10. Pak Long has a fear of Yeye & Nirah’s, and occasionally of my driving (since I hit a vios with the berlingobox that day! )

11. Abg Azrul & Yeye always at their throats over football, one is arsenal vs the other one is Milan..weh grow up lah bros!!! haha

12. We are programmed to respond yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa mengada style! I believe other toqnoq clans are compelled to respond in the same manner whenever Pak Long is around!

13. We (except for Anis & Aleeya) are banned from the remote control on weekday nites
10pm. Pak Long’s doses of mexico/ indon soapy!

14. Yeye is a sentimental bloke actually…Nirah understandable lah..hehe

15. Uih susah jugak nak abiskan 20 nih!!!!! Torture ni..woi sepuluh cukup laaa..alinaaaaaaaaaa!!!!

16. We like to have lunch at restoran Jaring…perhaps we all can have a toqnog outing there in the future..really good food!

17. Rumah Pak Long hang a.k.a 'hanging garden of kelana jaya' is a refuge for everyone!

18. Kalau pergi pasar ramadhan, semua tamak haloba..

19. Abg Azrul has yet to convince Pak Long hang to vote for PAS…

20. Abg Azlie hang, memang macho!!!!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

20 random things about my family

20 Random Things About My Family
Share Your Thoughts
Rules : If you are tagged, please post another note of 20 things random things about your family.

I'm tagging paklong's ,maktam's and paksu's family!!!

1. We love to dine especially when it concerns all kinds of lamb dishes…

2. We are so loud and i-don’t-give-a-damn attitude (like Greek family) whenever we have our meals together…let it be in a restaurant, mamak stalls or in our decent house!.

3. Abang, nani and I enjoy bullying mira the lil kiddo…think mira is in hell lots of pressure growing up!!

4. We love sushi soo much

5. Afiq…our nephew loves playing on the stairs so much…and erk…he loves sitting on his toys (with wheels) eventhough he has a tricycle!!

6. All of us can be considered as a black sheep.

7. We fart recklessly inside the car when all windows are close, aircond on, and pin pointing to each other, even we know who did it!

8. Sometimes, we like to bully our mom…hahahah like washing our clothes or cook our request meals…

9. But all the time, mom will bully me(Alina)…hahahaha take her to anywhere she likes, especially shopping..huh!!

10. Mak loves orchids, she can spend hundreds of ringgit just to satisfy her thirst of orchids

11. Nowadays, abang have this online game craze…to be more specific Angel Online…and I still wonder can it generate money just by playing it online?

12. Mira were forced to be ladylike by 15…ordered and instructed by her evil sistah…Alina and Nanie. She needs to have long hair, and no more screamings!!

13. Once a year, during Aidilfitri, we will go back to Sik, visit Pak…and visit our relatives who resides in Kedah…Paksu and Maktam’s Family

14. Every end of month, sometimes first week of the month Nanie and I will go back to Melaka. Starting off the journey around 1 am.

15. Mira is a shy girl. She only communicates with me and nanie. Huh she calls us everyday!! Sometimes she calls us during our beauty sleep!! Hahahaha

16. Nanie is so obsessed with herself. There’s one time she only talks bout herself…her vision of producing her own merchandise, called “Aku Seorang Nanie”…WHOT????

17. Alina is the bully victim of this family!!...hahahaha they enjoy bullying me so much…I wonder why…hehehe maybe I’m too kind and generous!!..hahah wink..wink!! Whatever it is, sometimes I do enjoyed being bullied…Psycho!!

18. Abang enjoys bullying me and mira!!...Hahahah pisses me off every now n then..grrrrrrrrr

19. We ..the girls…love to shout and scream, laughing loudly and even sing loudly at our 2nd living room upstairs…and giving headaches to mom!!...Especially when we are too bored doing nothing in melaka.

20. We are getting older year by year, but still act as if we are still in our teens…Is it because of Mira? Hahahahaha

There you go!!hhahahahaha now hope you guys can post it like i do!! till then...cargozzz...


Alina Cute!!

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year 2009

Semoga tahun ini lebih produktif kpd semua. Dan semoga usaha menambah baik networking tokwan noq kita ni berhasil dgn jaya bergaya!. Selamat Tahun Baru 2009!!